A watercolour landscape

On passage to Unartoq, Monday, 24th July 2023

We feel our way through a tight channel with the help of the radar. Through the thick fog, we can just about see the cliffs, rock slabs and boulders that make up the banks of the deep passage. Its end we can’t make out.

Emerging on the other side, we double a long tongue of land, and go past the settlement Alluitsup Paa. While it vaguely takes shape in the mists, we cross wakes with a small local fibreglass boat that speeds the other way. We wave to one another, as is the custom on the water everywhere. A moment later, the fisherman in his neon-coloured floatation suit and his boat blend into the brume, the engine sound is muffled and smothered soon after by the fog.

We carry on into the mouth of the fjord, and the clouds lift off the water, and stay suspended in many layers halfway under the dark grey cloud cover above us. But a glimpse of sunlight far inshore towards the head of the forked Alluitsoq and Unartoq Fjords filters through enticingly. The clouds are lit up by warm amber and gold from beneath. Bizarre mirages appear below the glowing icebergs, doubling their image underneath, making them appear suspended in a sea of reflections. The clouds and fog diffuse, refract, and bounce light, adding to the mystical atmosphere.

A cloud band halfway up the mountain is ushered along into the fjord at the same speed we are going with. I look at the speed log and the wind meter — we both move at 6.4 knots, in our case helped along by the stream of the rising tide. Together with the unchanging dark grey cover above us and the mountain in deep shadows below, this creates the peculiar and arresting illusion of simultaneously being in motion and not moving at all. Part of our landscape keeps up while morphing, breaking up, reforming as it strokes past the terrain, hugging the ridges and diving into the couloirs, part is seemingly unchanging, part is pulled past us like a tapestry.

The mountain ridge to our port, or left, side is peeking out between the cloud blanket above and the wandering bands below. Above the crest, lentil-shaped puffs of shy sweet salmon and pale pink show. The clouds are illuminated from below by the setting sun, which casts their upper sides in delicate mauve, amethyst, and purple.

Serrated cobalt peaks pierce sharply through the silky cotton mantle of clouds at the end of the fjord. The evening light casts lingering shadows and spotlights, accentuating the saw-toothed jaggedness of the pinnacles and spires. A striking sight in this rounded land in which the convex, curved, and ocean-swell shapes of glacier-carved bedrock, melting glaciers, and wind-eroded moraines prevail.

The indigo waters underneath the roving cloud bands create a stark contrast to the brilliance of the floating icebergs. The ice refracts and disperses the light within, and seems to radiate the scattered luminosity. A host of all forms of frozen shapes imaginable shines and gleams in bursting pure white, sapphire, cyan, and mint. The light diffracts inside the berg, reflects off the polished melting facets in lustre shades of burnished cream, and cloaks the shadows in muted cobalt. A fringe of azure and lapis lazuli silhouettes the waterline.

We’re sailing through an impressionistic watercolour painting, with land hinted at behind veils of vapour, hiding and shrouded from our eyes. An inscrutable and majestic sight, with clouds of cotton fluff, gauze and gossamer laid over the land like silk. The painter draws from a rich palette of pastels and brushes with a fluid generous motion. She contrasts with hints of dim greens and jade for the vegetation, bright streaks for cones of scree and a host of dark grey and charcoal for the weathered rock overgrown with lichen. Her palette is inspired by the shades of pigeons and mother-of-pearl.

A baffling block of ice emerges ahead, and at first we can’t make out whether it has dark strata across or is cracked open, letting us see the land behind it before crashing into pieces. On coming nearer, we make out a thick sediment layer with the colour and appearance of wet coffee grounds embedded within the ice. Streaks of silt run down and discolour the side of the ice.

The clouds draw in once more as we drop the anchor and the jagged mountain peaks shroud themselves in mist and disappear. Only the flock of icebergs just outside our cove behind the gravel spit is visible against the darkness after the sun has set. Tomorrow, we will find the hot springs of Greenland. For tonight, we settle down.



On passage to Unartoq, Monday, 24th July 2023

On passage southwards from Qaqortoq, where we had stopped for a quick restocking of our provisions, we wave goodbye to our two days of summer and return to the frost of the fog. The temperature drops dramatically as soon as the sea-level clouds surround us, and the air instantly has a palpable bite to it. We feel slingshot into the winter. The Arctic and subarctic are lands of sudden and drastic changes, not the whereabouts of middle ground or averages.

We have learned to distinguish nuances and variations of fog and mist on our Atlantic crossing and during our time here, and the suddenness it can descend and lift with. After navigating for a good while in ever-thickening murk, the sun we left behind a few hours ago in Qaqortoq feels like just a faraway echo. 

Enveloped in viscous vapour as thick as clotted cream, we grope our way towards our anchorage for the night. The fluorescent green of the radar warns of an iceberg in the narrow mouth of the bay, so we move with caution. Alex is on the helm, and I start making my way forward to the bow to help eyeball our way around the ice and through the channel. 

All of a sudden, the fog develops structure and texture straight ahead, a tinge of blue in the achromatic gloom. A great wall of ice looms out of the fog. It springs up in front of us and stretches far left and right. We can just make out the ends on either side when we are close. Around the berg the water is peppered with shattered ice — growlers, bergy bits and brash. It looks as if an ogre had taken a sledgehammer and rained blows on the berg only to give up halfway and admit defeat against the bulk of the ice. This berg is not a stable fellow. 

Filled with awe and wonder, we swing round and sail alongside this imposing fragment of a glacier that might have traveled from afar before coming to rest against this shore. Soon we make out the shore, emerging indistinctly beyond the brash. No way through here. We have already made our mind up not to try and steal past an iceberg this imposing to enter the shallow cove, as we might find ourselves trapped in there tomorrow morning with no way out for days to come.

So we take our leave and carry on towards Unartoq, an island further inshore in an arm of the neighbouring Alluitsoq Fjord (Lichtenau Fjord). There we will look for Greenland’s only (known?) hot springs! 


A riot of colours

Qaqortoq, Sunday, 23rd July 2023

We’re back in Qaqortoq, the town where we first made landfall in Greenland. Summer has arrived here yesterday, and the sun is hot and strong. I’m sitting by the side of a clear rivulet that gurgles through the town into the harbour basin and is supplied from the large freshwater lake behind the town which also serves as the reservoir. Feet dangling in the water, I’m marvelling at all the things we’ve done, heard, observed, and been part of since we first arrived. We closed a first loop.

The heart of the town is the protected harbour and an adjacent small square with a picturesque fountain in the centre and a bridge across the stream. Every evening kids, teenagers, and adults alike gather here to fish, casting their fishing rods and reeling them in. This square plays a major role in many events in the town, as we saw last time we were here.

Around the harbour, the town rises in the rounded hills surrounding it. Its southwards facing slopes in particular are densely dotted with wooden houses, painted every vivid colour of the rainbow one could imagine — purple, blue, green, turquoise, yellow, orange, red, carmine. They give the place a very cheerful aspect that matches its outgoing, friendly and welcoming people.

In the winter months, those pigments must create a fabulous contrast to the white of the snow and the ice, and the dark of the night. The more time we spend here, the more I notice how my curiosity rises to be here during the time of frost, snow, and darkness. Spring and summer are the time of light and the ice.

Although blossoms had been out when we were here a month ago, particularly purple lupine and some shy yellow buttercups, now they are truly abundant and lavish. The whole place is a riot of colours and liveliness.

The riverbanks are ablaze with buttercups and the grass has grown to hip-height and radiates in tints of lush green. Carrying heavy heads that harbour the ripening seeds of next year’s meadows, the stalks are bent in graceful arches. The arctic poppies grow in backlit bushels of delicate creamy-white, flaming orange and deep yellow, blossoms bobbing and twisting in the slight breeze. Their unopened buds hang downwards, green and purple promises of boisterous hues to spring forth. The lupines with opulent blossoms of violet, navy, and white grow in dense tufts. They have a certain geometry to them that reminds me of an organic checker board.

We go for a swim in the lake the stream originates in. Now, the water is aswarm with the local kids in wetsuits, jumping off cliffs, floating with air mattresses, snorkelling with goggles. When we were first here, we hiked around the lake and dove in for a moment or two, the water being chilly then. Now, we can go for a real swim, and enjoy stretching out and floating in the water. The lake’s temperature having risen to what feels like 15°C or more, it feels balmy to me after swimming in the sea peppered with ice.

A kid calls us and we crawl over to chat with him. He tells us how he learned swimming in the sea in Turkey, how salty the water was there and that he made friends with the hotel owner. It being school holidays now, he says, all the kids are just in the water all the time, spending four hours or more enjoying the wet. Not having the benefit of the wetsuit, we do get a little chilly after a while and say goodbye to our lovely little friend who swims towards the cliff jumpers to join them.

Earlier we met the friendly taxi driver again who had showed us around the first time we were here. On the rainy national day, he picked us up at the market place after we had watched the butchering of a seal, to bring us to the sports hall, where everyone was gathering for the live music and the throat singers. On the way there himself, he offered to give us a ride. Rather than go straight there, he showed us around.

Clearly proud of his charming town, he pointed out useful places like the bank and the supermarkets, and took us up the hills to the best views. One of them being right next to his house on Qaqortoq’s “Blueberry Hill”, so-called for the abundant blueberries in summer. A sweeping view over the harbour and the fjord towards the sea awaits us when we stop there for a short break.

We planned to spend our time in his area, the south-west Greenland, part of the commune Kujalleq. So we chatted about the area and life in Qaqortoq with him. Born and raised in Qaqortoq, he is in love with and is proud of the region. However, for most of his professional career, he worked in Nuuk for the government. With two high-pressure jobs, he found himself burned-out some years ago. This was a turning point, and he decided to return to his hometown and to put himself and his family first. To live, not just to work and exist. Once back, he started his own business ‘in his own time and without deadlines.’

When he asks us now how we like the south-west after having spent a month here, I admit having fallen in love. ‘It’s the best place, isn’t it,’ he beams, and I have to agree. He tells us how on coming back from Nuuk, he, too, fell again for the beauty of the area. There is no one single aspect or simple list that one can compile that makes it. A superficial glance, looking for the extravagance of the tropics, might miss it altogether. There is an intense beauty to Kujalleq that reveals itself with time. It gently unfurls and allows for gradual and intimate discovery that asks for time and dedication, and gives abundance in return.
